We accept the fact that there are reasons a course can be cancelled or that you may not be able to attend due to illness or disruption and we aim to do all we can to lessen the impact of such possible unfortunate circumstances:
If you cancel:
If we have a waiting list and we can fill your place we will offer you a full refund on the course but cannot do the same for any travel or accommodation expenses you may have booked. If we cannot fill the space we cannot offer a refund. In all cases we trust you will have taken out suitable travel insurance to guard you against the unexpected.
If we cancel:
We will offer you a full refund plus priority booking onto the course if it is re-scheduled. In all cases we trust you will have taken out suitable travel insurance to aid you with any travel or accommodation loss.
There are many places to stay in and near Much Wenlock and most advertise themselves through the various on-line booking sites. We also have a small selection of local commercial bed and breakfasts and though we cannot offer them as r’ecommended’ we can send you a list of these by email if so wished, we can also supply a list of local places to eat and drink. You may also like to vistit here: